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Thursday 2 October 2014

glow Face with aloe vera

Many people use aloe vera clear gel inside the leaves to help soothe burns and heal wounds. Health care practitioners, Indian and PAKISTANI herbal medical practitioners also  use aloe vera to treat skin disorders, wounds, sunburn, radiation burns.  Regularly applying aloe vera gel to your face can help make your complexion clearer and smoother and reduce inflammation. Alot of medical and general stores and pharmacies sell aloe vera gel.

1st step

Cut aloe vera leaf from an aloe plant with a pair of scissors or a kitchen knife. Clean off any dirt from the leaf by gently scrubbing it with a wet toothbrush or nailbrush. Rinse the leaf under running water.

2nd step

Slice the spines off the sides of the leaf with a sharp kitchen knife. Cut the leaf in half vertically and extract the gel inside with a spoon.

3rd step

Apply a thin layer of aloe vera gel over your face and allow it to dry for at least one hour. Remove the gel with warm water and a clean washcloth.

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